Dhan Yukta - Financial Analyst

Dhana Yukta – Financial Analyst
Igniting your passion for finance. Dive into the dynamic world of financial institutions, master the art of managing your money, and dissect the pulse of current affairs, all while expanding your financial knowledge beyond the confines of a classroom

Event Name – Dhanayukta
Tagline – Unleash your financial wisdom
Team Size – 2
Eligibility – All UG/PG/MBA/PGDM students
Region – India
Registration – Free


Each team will consist of 2 participants.
The participants should be from the same institute.
First two rounds will be in online mode and the final round will be conducted in VAMNICOM campus.
While attempting the quiz no new tab should be opened. If found indulging in unethical practices the team will be disqualified.
There will be preliminary screening in rounds 1 and 2 from which six teams will be selected for the final round
Judge’s decision would be considered the final decision.


1st round – 15th March
2nd round – 16th March (Submission on 18th at 11:59 pm) Results on 20th
Final round – 27th and 28th March

Description of rounds of the event:

ROUND I - Finance Quiz (online mode)

The quiz will be a combination of reasoning, Puzzles, financial terms, current affairs, and trading.
20 questions (MCQ’s) – 20 minutes, correct answer- 4 marks, wrong answer – Negative 1 mark

ROUND II - Financial analysis of a company (online mode)

Students will be given statement of a company for which they should P&L analysis, balance sheet, company portfolio.3 days’ time will be given to submit.
It should be submitted in the format “Team Name_ Institute”.

ROUND III - Case Study (offline mode)

A case study will be given prior PPT presentation should be done with a minimum of 8-10 slides of 10 min presentation and 5 min Q&A.


Traveling allowances would be provided to the shortlisted candidates for the offline events on the provision of proper bills to us after reaching the campus.
Up to 1500 Rs/individual would be refunded.
Accommodation and food facilities will also be provided free of cost within the campus for the shortlisted candidates for the offline events.

Prize Money:

1st Prize -Rs. 10,000/-with certificate and trophy
2nd Prize -Rs. 7,000/-with certificate and trophy
3rd prize-Rs. 5,000/-with certificate and trophy

Event Coordinators:

Ms. Tagaram Sri Sumana
Mail: srisumanatagaram.vamnicom23@gmail.com

Mr. Pampanagowda
Mail: Pampanagowda.vamnicom23@gmail.com

Dhana Yukta - Financial Analyst

Igniting your passion for finance

Expanding your financial knowledge beyond the confines of a classroom.

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