Prativaad - Debate

Debate Challenge: Unveiling Minds! Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey where minds clash, ideas ignite, and brilliance shines. Delve into the depths of thought, explore the realms of argumentation, and emerge victorious as you navigate through a series of thrilling and thought-provoking rounds. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of intellect and celebrate the art of persuasion in this electrifying battle of wits. Don’t miss your chance to showcase your brilliance.

Event Name – Prativad
Tagline – where minds clash & ideas flourish
Team Size – 2
Eligibility – All UG/PG/MBA/PGDM students
Region – India
Registration – Free


Topic Selection:

Debate topic will be provided by the organizing committee on spot.
Topics will be relevant to the current affairs.
Speech Durations:15 minutes
All the teams will be allotted one of the two sides.
All the teams will be given a chance to present their opening and closing statements.

Prohibited Actions:

Offensive language, personal attacks, or derogatory remarks against participants or judges are strictly prohibited.
Any disruptive behaviour that negatively impacts the competition will not be tolerated.

Research and Citations:

Participants are encouraged to conduct thorough research to support their arguments.
Proper citations of sources, facts, statistics, and quotes are required.

Judgement Criteria:

Knowledge and understanding about the topic.
Communication and Debating skills.

Judges Decisions:

Judges are impartial and knowledgeable in the subject matter or experienced debaters.
Judges’ decisions are final and not subject to appeal.

Description of rounds of the event:

ROUND I - Online Quiz (Current Affairs)

All participants take part in an online quiz consisting of 25 questions on current affairs.
Each participant has 10 minutes to answer the questions.
Scores are calculated based on the number of correct answers.
The top performers with the highest scores advance to the next round while the rest are eliminated.
Start date:16/03/2024 at 08:00PM
End date:17/03/2024 at 11:00AM
Result will be declared on 17/03/2024 at 06:00 PM

ROUND II - Record a Video

Theme- COP28 UAE

Participant is required to submit a short video of 80-120 seconds on the topic that would be declared on 08/03/2024 along with the results of Round 1.
The video should be in English and clarity should be maintained.
The video should be sent to spardha telegram page which would be informed.
The video size should be less than 100
Only the team leader, the person who registered the team, will be able to do the submission.
Only registered participant should be present in the video.
The members of the team should debate among themselves, one should be against and other should be forth.
Start date : 17/03/2024 at 08:00PM
End date :18/03/2024 at 06:00 PM
Results will be declared on 19/03/2024.

ROUND III - Offline Debate

The finalists from the previous rounds engage in an offline debate.
Start date : 27/03/2024
End date:28/03/2024



Content & Script
Dialogue delivery
Flow of expressions
Voice Modulation


Traveling allowances would be provided to the shortlisted candidates for the
offline events on provision of proper bills to us after reaching the campus.
Up to Rs.1500/Individual would be refunded.
Common rule is that, the participants must and should follow the Vamnicom official page and spardha page of Instagram ,to get more information about the event
Accommodation and food facilities will also be provided within the campus for the shortlisted.

Prize Money:

1st Prize- Rs.8000/-with certificate and trophy
2nd Prize-Rs.6000/-with certificate and trophy
and Participation certificate

Event Coordinators:

Ajsar Muhammed Rafeeq

Monika Siri Pasumarthi

Ch. Gopi

Prativaad - The Debate Competition

Unveiling Minds! Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey where minds clash, ideas ignite, and brilliance shines.

Don't miss your chance to showcase your brilliance.

© 2025 Vamnicom Spardha. All Rights Reserved.